December 2023 OnSite

I’m sitting at my desk at a loss as to how I can summarize my year as President. First of all, I found out how much I love being call Madam President so if you don’t mind I’d like to be referred to as such forevermore….. I have a terrible singing voice, but I may just bust out The Wind Beneath my Wings to all the board members at our last meeting. Nothing that I have accomplished could have been done without the support and willingness to hop on the bandwagon from the people in that room. My self-designation as the Forrest Gump on Metro carried on through the year as my team and I continued to be the right people, in the right place, at the right time. I got to participate in 3 knock-it-out-of-the-park gatherings with Jeff Kolakowski, Frank Belgiovine, and the other local Presidents. We started the year quite separate but finished strong with many bridges built throughout the year. I’ve drank a few cups of the NAHB Kool-Aid in my time and feel like I got to serve some to my follow members as well. We hit the goal of having 10 members sign up for the Spring Legislative Conference in DC. We went to the Capital to discuss not only the NAHB talking points but also spoke about issues that are affecting us specifically here at home in NJ. The pride I felt standing shoulder to shoulder with my friends and colleagues is immeasurable. My #1 goal this year was to collaborate and collaborate we did. We’ve had joint events with BANJ that were a true testament to the fact that we are all one big family. Our voice is stronger when were together and I hope the future brings more of the same and some new ones to boot. I’ve been a member long enough to have experienced not only the rebirth of our committees but to see them thriving. I know we still have some work to do but I also know that they are in good hands. If you’re asking yourself how to maximize your exposure here the answer is joining a committee. Those more intimate settings are where you will begin to make your mark. My personal path started with the Awards of Excellence and now I get to be called (forevermore) Madam President. Being entrusted with Metro’s vision for 2023 was an honor and a privilege. I don’t know what the future holds for me however I do believe this experience will color the canvas of my life to come. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough so danke, merci, gracias, I appreciate it, I’m so grateful, I couldn’t have done it without you, I owe you, much obliged, thanks for having my back, I stand in recognition, and CHEERS!! President’s Message December 2023

Metropolitan Builders & Contractors Association of NJ 39 East Hanover Avenue • Suite B4 Morris Plains, NJ 07950 Phone: 973-887-2888 Fax: 973-887-2926 Website:

OnSite / December 2023 Editor: Rose Ann Haberman Layout: Gregory J. Del Deo

Mission Statement: Metro is a professional organization that shall serve to protect and advance the rights and interests of builders, remodelers and associates in all matters affecting the building and remodeling industries. Metro shall support the business interests of all its member firms, support safe and affordable shelter, and foster the American dream of home ownership. Vision Statement: Metro is the leading trade association for the construction industry. Metro inspires active membership through professional development and advocacy. We embrace free markets to promote cost effective housing in NJ.

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