December 2023 OnSite

MOST ACTIVE NEW MEMBER AWARD Cat Garruto, California Closets The Most Active New Member Award is presented each year and recognizes individual members of the Association who have provided service to the Association with both motivation and enthusiasm. OUTSTANDING INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTION AWARD Warren King, King Custom Homes The Outstanding Industry Contribution Award is presented to an individual who has contributed to our industry consistently over the years. This is not an award given lightly, nor is it given every year. It is given to a person who can always be counted on to help further the goals and objectives of the building industry. KATHY HUGHES AWARD Todd Smith, Royce Joseph Capital The Kathy Hughes Award named for one of the founders of our local’s Sales & Marketing Council recognizes the efforts of a person or company who has served our Association consistently and who best exemplifies the zest and enthusiasm that Kathy showed for the Sales & Marketing Field. LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD Brian Maffia, General Plumbing Supply The Lifetime Service Award is presented to a member who has shown dedication and passion for the Association and the industry throughout the years. FIRST ASSOCIATE VP Tammy Murray, Andersen Windows & Doors It’s been a tradition of the association to present the 1 st Associate VP with an award for their commitment to the industry. This award exemplifies the contributions this individual has provided the association through leadership and knowledge. MEMBERSHIP AWARD Andrea LoMonaco, Wells Fargo The Membership Award recognizes the individual who in the past year has done the most to build our membership. The strength of our Association and success of our industry are the result of the dedication of our members.


DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD David Bernardino, Ammunition The Distinguished Service Award recognizes an individual or friend of the Association and industry; someone who has gone above and beyond to support the industry, New Jersey and our Association. FOUNDERS AWARD Philip A. Calinda, Millennium Custom Homes The Founders Award recipient best exemplifies the spirit and dedication of the founders of this Association; their dedication to the Association as a past leader has been a strong part of our success. ASSOCIATE OF THE YEAR AWARD Franz Laki, SESI Consulting Engineers The Associate of the Year Award exemplifies the contributions of all the hardworking Associate Members of the Association. This award is presented to one Associate who consistently meets all expectations. REMODELER OF THE YEAR AWARD Geraldine Smith, All Inclusive Construction & Building This award is presented each year to recognize a builder in the specific area of remodeling, whose work is an outstanding example of building and remodeling. BUILDER OF THE YEAR AWARD Hasnain Nasar, WA Construct The Builder of the Year Award is presented each year to recognize one builder member of the Association. It is given to a person who can always be counted on to help further the goals and objectives of the building industry.


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