December 2023 OnSite



Direct Mail Piece – Traditional Media/Print

MARKETING CATEGORIES Builders and Associates can enter these marketing categories

Judging Criteria: Concept/Theme, overall design, creativity, information, content-copy, clarity of message. Submission Requirements: Written description (one page) explaining the campaign, target market, goals and results. 3 photos of the mailing or appropriate links.

All Marketing Categories Require:

1. Entry Form


Best Use of Social Media

2. High quality photos

Note: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.

• There are different requirements for each category, so please review the submission requirements for your entry.

Judging Criteria: Concept or strategy, consistency, audience engagement, overall design, creativity, appropriateness for target market and results Submission Requirements: Written statement (one page) explaining concept or strategy. Include URL/link viewable by the Judges at their own computer.

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Company Black & White Ad

Company Color Ad

Black and White Ad for a Community

Color Ad for a Community

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Company Logo

Company Onsite Ad Digital Display Ad

Logo for a Community (for sale or rental)

Billboard Advertising – Traditional Billboard Advertising – Digital Display

Judging Criteria: Overall design, eye appeal, graphic concepts, and theme. Submission Requirements: 1 photo of logo

Judging Criteria: Overall design, concept, information content- copy, layout, creativity and appropriateness for target market. Submission Requirements: 1 photo of ad. All digital images shall be submitted in JPEG format at a minimum of 300 DPI. Images should be 1800 pixels wide. All PDFs submitted shall be high resolution.

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Company Website

Website for a Community

Judging Criteria: Technical production, concept, ease of site navigation, level of professionalism and overall creativity. Submission Requirements: Provide Website Address.

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TV Commercial

TV Commercial for a Community


Special Promotion / Event

Radio Commercial

Radio Commercial for a Community

Judging Criteria: Concept/theme, overall design, creativity of materials developed for a special promotion/event or a presale, grand opening, direct mail campaign, newsletter, or other limited marketing campaign and approach to target market. Submission Requirements: Written description (one page) of the nature of the promotion/event, its goals, results and target market. Supporting materials may include flyers, mailers or other collateral material. 3 photos of the event

Sales Presentation

Sales Presentation for a Community

Judging Criteria: Technical production, concept, script, creativity and appropriateness for target market. Submission Requirements: Upload link or video/sound ad.

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Brochure for a Community


Sales Office

Judging Criteria: Overall design, jacket-cover design, concept, information, content-copy, layout and appropriateness for target market. Submission Requirements: 1 photo of brochure jacket cover and/or brochure.

Judging Criteria: Traffic flow, presentation of information, décor, theme of environment and curb appeal. Submission Requirements: 4 photos including 1 exterior and 3 interior shots.


Creative Sales & Marketing Support


Direct Mail Piece – New Media / Electronic (E-Newsletters, E-Blast, E-Brochure)

Note: Development & implementation of creative sales


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