Orange County Insight December 2023

Farewell and Thank You, Mr. White

By: Orange County Communications and Administration Departments

The changing of the guard on the Orange County Board of Supervisors continued this month, as long - serving member Mr. White was honored at a reception, in recognition of his service, before the December 5 Board Meeting. James “ Jim ” White began his tenure on the Board of Supervisors in 2012, representing District Two. Officially, his term will end at the conclusion of 2023. During more than a decade of service, he was selected as Chairman of the Board in 2018 and 2019, and served as Vice Chairman this year. Mr. White additionally served on a number of committees, commissions, and boards including the Planning Commission, the Fleet Subcommittee, the Lake Anna Advisory Committee, the Route 3 Steering Committee, the Broadband Subcommittee, the Financial Policies Subcommittee, the Germanna - Wilderness Area Plan (GWAP) Steering Committee, the Joint Board/School Board CIP Subcommittee, the Rappahannock River Basin

Commission, the Gordonsville - Orange Area Plan (GOAP) Steering Committee, the Subdivision & Zoning Ordinance Subcommittee, the Broadband Policies Subcommittee, the Budget Guidance Subcommittee, and the Local Emergency Planning Commission. According to the results of the November 7 General Election, the District Two Supervisor position will be filled by Ed Van Hoven. Election results can be viewed in last month ’ s issue of the Orange County Insight. Thank you for your service, Mr. White!

District 2 highlighted in blue, map sourced from Orange Open Data.

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