Alleyn Club Newsletter 2013

Report from the Hollington Club The Club has continued to operate successfully despite the continuing difficult conditions in the UK. The numbers attending our evening sessions continued to increase throughout the spring of 2012, but have fallen away in the last three months. Possible explanations are the dreadful summer weather this year and the ‘Olympic effect’. More and more emphasis is placed upon educational matters, and our young people have been gaining ‘accreditations’ in such diverse activities as football, tennis, cooking, art and painting and decorating. In addition to this, some of our young people have been completing SDQs (strengths and deficits questionnaires) which deal with behavioural matters and are designed to help young people to become more useful members of society. There have recently been two day trips organised, the first being a minibus tour of London. Then in August the Club took 12 of our young members, aged between 8 and 14 years, to the coast for the day. It may greatly surprise many OAs reading this report to know that not all members of our party had seen the sea before! The Club continues to be extremely grateful for the help, advice and financial support which it receives from the DCM Hollington Trust, The Rank Foundation, Dulwich College and Southwark Council. Patrick Darby (61-71) S J Mackintosh Secretary Club Leader

OA Endowment Fund

return of John Walters. David Johns has agreed to be the Independent Examiner of the OAEF’s accounts, for which the trustees are immensely grateful. Activity in 2012 During 2012 there were nine OA beneficiaries who had been advanced funds by the OAEF. Loans totalling £5,700 were advanced to three young men during the year, and grants were made of £5,000. Two further loans had been offered but were yet to be drawn. In addition, a number of pupils at the College received cash contributions towards the cost of educational trips frommoney provided by the Endowment Fund to the Master’s Fund. Donations During the year the fund received generous donations from the Alleyn Club, John Evans, Mrs Caroline Coe and a bequest from Leslie James Leggett. The trustees are naturally very grateful for these donations and extend their very sincere thanks. Mrs Coe made her donation on behalf of her late father (George Herbert Steward Sterry) who attended the College in the 1920s but sustained a head injury in the Second World War from which he never fully recovered. Mrs Coe recalls that her father had a passion for skiing and sailing and was very fond of the College.

Aims Established in 1932, the Fund provides financial assistance to OAs and pupils at the College for their education or for training for an occupation or profession. Assistance is almost always given in the form of an interest-free loan, to be repaid when the beneficiary’s financial situation allows, often in instalments; but help may exceptionally be given as an outright grant. The trustees may in addition transfer annually up to 5% of the Fund’s assets to The Master’s Fund for disbursement to current pupils in connection with one-off extra- curricular activities. Trustees The Fund is administered by six trustees, who in 2012 were I WWarburton (Chairman), M R A Graham (Hon Secretary), N R Rundle (Hon Treasurer), W L S Keat, T Llewelyn and B A Noble. The Master is invited to attend trustee meetings. Having served for the maximum seven consecutive years allowed by the trust deed, Ivor Warburton and Bruce Noble stepped down as trustees in December 2012. The remaining trustees would like to repeat their warm thanks for Bruce’s wise counsel and for Ivor’s erudite chairmanship. The trustees will maintain a full complement in 2013 through the welcome arrival of Peter Petyt and the welcome


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