HB - The Legal Corner Magazine #Issue 1






BY STEVE ZEITCHIK Founder, Agency 8200

As legal advisors to many businesses, we hope to provide guidance to those who are looking to start their own businesses. We asked Israel-based Steve Zeitchick, a serial entrepreneur since the late 1980s to provide some practical tips for those looking to enter the digital space in an international market. Steve co-founded a digital marketing company serving Fortune 500 clients, before selling it in 2019 and establishing Agency 8200 - digital and influencer marketing service to SMBs and SMEs. Here are his helpful recommendations. “The first 15 years of my career were focused solely on building a regional market – if I could drive to my clients, they were relevant and if I couldn’t, then they weren’t.

Back then, the need to see someone face to face, shake a hand, and take someone out were all critical to cultivating a relationship. However, as technology improved the network and pool of clients expanded through a range of diverse ventures, first nationally and then globally. Both the agencies I founded work with clients around the globe and have employees around the globe. Despite this, building rapport with clients remains as key a priority as it was back in the eighties - only now the methods have changed. The following tools and strategies have helped to expand the business aggressively, and can work for any business that has something of value to offer to a larger audience (whether that’s a product or a service).








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