Natural History Museum - Head of Project Delivery


lawful, safe, secure and sustainable in line with the Museum’s values. • Lead the team responsible for the pro- ject management, resourcing, planning, oversight, scrutiny and governance of the Museum’s capital infrastructure pro- gramme. • Lead the team responsible for the project management of the public programme which includes temporary exhibitions, gallery enhancements and public space programmes. • Lead the process of development of the capital investment programme including developing business cases for the Mu- seum’s Executive Board and Trustees, DCMS, HM Treasury and other funders.

• Manage a large team of profession- al project managers to deliver projects across the Museum portfolio. • Work with senior managers across the museum to identify resource require- ments and develop the annual operating plan. • Work with senior managers within Es- tates, Projects and Masterplanning to ensure that a joined-up service is pro- vided from project identification and in - ception through handover and into oper- ations. • Work with senior managers within the Finance and Corporate Services Directo- rate to ensure that the work of the team is financially sound, properly procured,


• Establish robust financial processes for setting realistic project budgets, cost plans, cash flows and forecasting across the project portfolio. • Establish systems to manage and report across project, programme and portfolio indicators to ensure successful delivery. • Develop delivery models that provide flexibility and expertise including the use of consultant project managers, survey- ors, designers and cost managers.

Projects and Masterplanning De- partment and will work closely alongside other section heads as well as the team delivering NHM Unlocked. You’ll be supported by the Director of Estates, Projects and Masterplanning and work closely with other Executive Board members and Trustees who rec- ognise that good project manage- ment is essential in delivering the Museum’s priorities. The post-holder will provide leadership to the Project Deliv- ery Team, set the strategic direc- tion for project management and maintain a culture of exceptional delivery. Given the challenges of working within an estate that has developed over nearly 150 years, the post-holder will have demon- strable skills in one or other con- struction discipline.

It could not be a more exciting time to join the Museum. As well as the development of our new Science and Digitisation Centre, the Urban Nature Project is underway and we have big plans to develop our galleries and other public spaces. All of this is on top of a working on our iconic buildings, delivering a rolling public programme of tem- porary exhibitions and a capital infrastructure programme running to £50 million over the next three years. You will lead the Project Delivery Office, managing some 40 project professionals to oversee the pro- grammes of work to ensure that the museum’s vision and strategy are delivered. A separate team de- livers ICT based projects. The post sits within the Estates,


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