The Wellness Studio - November 2019

TOO BUSY TO WORK OUT? 5 Simple Ways to Stay Active

Being active doesn’t have to mean going to the gym every single day. An active lifestyle can be as simple as going for a walk around the neighborhood for a few minutes a day. There are plenty of ways to exercise during daily activities like shopping, spending time with your kids, or hanging around the house. PARK FARTHER AWAY. A lot of people will spend several minutes trying to find a parking space as close as they can to the entrance of a store. However, parking a little farther away will help you score a better parking space and make sure you get your steps in for the day. DO SOME YOGA. You don’t have to push yourself to your absolute limit in order to stay active. There are other, gentler ways to exercise than running 5 miles a day. Tai chi or yoga are excellent low-impact alternatives to keep your body fit and healthy. REDUCE TV TIME. It can be tempting to plop down in front of the television after a long day at work or after dinner, Last month, we walked you through the invigorating process of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial treatments. As we outlined in our explanation, PRP facials utilize the naturally occurring rejuvenation and replenishment techniques of your body’s PRP to stimulate healthier, younger-looking skin. But this powerful serum can be used to do more, too! In fact, The Wellness Studio’s PRP expert, Denise Dial, can use her knowledge and training to replenish your natural hair through a PRP treatment for hair regeneration. Losing your hair can be an isolating experience. Many patients live in constant fear that everyone notices their balding scalp, fracturing their confidence and possibly interfering with their mental health. To solve this, they may change their diets, take extra vitamins, or apply topical treatments, yet the results can leave them feeling hopeless.

but you can also use this time to be active. Get the family together for a walk around the neighborhood, take a few minutes to dance to some of your favorite tunes, or do some light cleaning around the house. PUT A SPIN ON DATE NIGHT. Forget dinner and a movie. Instead, try taking your date out for a round of miniature golf, indoor rock climbing, an evening stroll, a bike ride, or dancing. You’ll have more fun while doing your body good. GRAB A LEASH. Having a dog gives you plenty of opportunities to stay active. If you don’t have a dog, try asking a neighbor or friend if they would like their dog walked, start a dog-walking service, or volunteer at a local animal shelter.

There are plenty of ways to make staying active a part of your daily routine! With enough creativity and motivation, you can turn any activity into an active one.

A ‘HAIR’ ABOVE How PRP Treatments Can Reverse Hair Loss after solution. While the patient’s PRP serum is applied to the scalp, a microneedling process will poke thousands of tiny holes into the scalp to open the skin to the PRP’s healing effects. This process can be more painful than a PRP facial, but Dial utilizes numbing agents to make the experience more comfortable. The tiny holes created by the microneedling pen will remain open for a few days and make it easier for the scalp to soak up the healing, rejuvenating qualities of the serum. As the PRP seeps into the scalp, patients are encouraged to aid its success by applying topical treatments. As Dial explains, in the days after microneedling, topical treatments are 80% more effective.

As with any hair revitalization treatments — including topical treatments — consistency is key. Hair regeneration patients will continue with PRP treatment once a month for 3–4 months. After this initial treatment, patients will then do the PRP treatment once every 3–6 months. Continued application of topical treatments after the PRP session will still give patients the best results. Don’t let hair loss rule your life any longer. You deserve to feel confident and beautiful. Schedule your first PRP treatment for hair rejuvenation today by calling 562.980.0555.

For patients who struggle with hair regeneration through traditional means, PRP treatments can offer a long-sought-



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