We are all fundamentally connected to nature. It’s the world around us. It’s both our origin and our destiny. It’s the source of all life.
At Melaleuca, nature is in everything we do. Nature is where we take our inspiration. It’s the center of our ingredient philosophy. From the very beginning of the company, harnessing the incredible solutions nature provides has been the focus of our work. It all started with the Melaleuca alternifolia plant and has grown over the years into a line of more than 250 wellness products. Because we’re a company that constantly searches for solutions inspired by nature, we’re acutely aware of the delicate balance humans have with the natural world and our responsibility to maintain it. We strive to preserve it for future generations. Earth – our home Our environment is where we live. Protecting the intimate environment inside our homes is how we take care of our families. But we also have a responsibility to protect the environment outside of our homes. This especially matters for the products we consume daily. And when those products are used, most eventually find their way back to nature – through the trash or the
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