Swansea University Postgraduate Prospectus 2023


I have grown so much as a person throughout my undergrad at Swansea and now my postgrad as well and I feel so much more confident in myself. I have come to realise just how much I love learning compared to when I was at school learning because I have chosen to study something that is so much more enjoyable than GCSE or A level where I felt like I wasn’t able to learn what I wanted. I have been involved with societies for the past 4 years and they have made my time at uni better than I could ever have dreamed. There is such a range on offer and it’s incredibly easy to start your own if there isn’t something that takes your fancy. From being on a committee I have improved my leadership and organisational skills and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The academic feedback is very good, work is marked promptly and there is usually a lot of very useful comments and suggestions that are helpful in the future. I have used the University Advice Centre a couple of times and they have been incredible. I was able to see someone within a couple of days and I got some really useful advice and support.

MYUNIHUB – How can we help? MyUniHub offers information and guidance on any aspect of student life from enrolment to graduation. The team also provides advice, guidance and referrals for all your support requirements during your time at Swansea University. You can visit our experienced and friendly teams on Singleton and Bay Campus. You can access a range of student support services throughout your postgraduate studies, ensuring your time spent at Swansea University is as stress-free and easy as possible.

Caroline (Swansea University postgraduate student, WhatUni review)



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