Swansea University Postgraduate Prospectus 2023




OR INTERNATIONALLY EXCELLENT RESEARCH (Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021)

• Chemistry MSc by Research/PhD/MPhil FT PT


WHY SWANSEA? • High-impact research is already taking place in world-class centres at Swansea, including: The Centre for NanoHealth, The Institute of Mass Spectrometry, The Institute of Life Sciences, The Energy Safety Research Institute, Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre, The Centre for Water Advanced Technologies and Environmental Research, and The Materials Research Centre. • Chemistry at Swansea achieved a 97.9% ‘world-leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’ rating for Research Publications (REF 2021). • Our Chemistry Department has state-of-the-art facilities including a purpose-built Chemistry Hub containing modern teaching laboratories, research space and access to a diverse line of research infrastructures. • You can benefit from hands-on lab experience in our £22 million Nanotechnology Centre and our new £30 million Centre for Integrative Semiconductor Materials. • You will be exposed to cutting edge technologies and interact with experts from industry, developing a broad skillset and a network of contacts which will enhance your opportunities for employment, such as in the semiconductor industry which is rapidly expanding.

• Semiconductor Technology and Applications MSc FT PT

Chemistry is thriving at Swansea, spanning a wide range of fields, and our research is set to multiply at a rapid pace over the next three years. Our research groups are currently focused on four themes: Energy; Health; New and Advanced Molecules and Materials; and Water and the Environment. These initiatives transcend traditional discipline boundaries and integrate core areas of organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistries while intersecting with engineering, medicine, and other scientific disciplines.

WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT • The MSc covers all aspects of semiconductor materials and technologies from silicon to compound semiconductors, to next generation semiconductors (plastic electronics and 2D materials). • The MSc is closely linked with the CSconnected, the Compound Semiconductor Cluster, and supported by our industry partners including SPTS Technologies, IQE, The Compound Semiconductor Centre (CSC), Microchip, Newport Wafer Fab, Zimmer and Peacock.

• We work closely with the Faculty of Science and Engineering and Swansea University Medical School, allowing students and staff to cultivate an environment of research excellence. • For our research programmes, we invite applications from well-qualified candidates whose research interest focuses around the themes of Energy Chemistry; Health, Food and Drug Chemistry; Chemistry of Materials; Semiconductor Chemistry and Surface Chemistry; and Spectroscopy.

YOU MAY ALSO WANT TO CONSIDER • Secondary PGCE with QTS: Chemistry, PGCert

FUNDING There are a range of postgraduate scholarships and bursaries available: s wansea.ac.uk/postgraduate/ scholarships


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