Adult College Prospectus 24-25

How much will it cost?

Courses are free for anyone earning less than £25,300.60, including any benefits. Please speak with one of the team on 0208 270 4722 for more information (subject to eligibility) You may be eligible for assistance with specific costs related to your course such as: • Books & stationery • Childcare • Equipment • Travel Costs

You may be eligible for a concession (reduced) fee on some courses. This is subject to production of the required evidence at enrolment.

• Many of our courses are free.

• Course fees have remained frozen for another year. • Course fees include exam fee (if applicable). • For course fees over £100 you can pay in instalments. Details of course fees are available online or by contacting us on 020 8270 4722.

For more information on financial support please click here


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