
AICC Emerging Leaders (CONT’D FROM PAGE 20)

Landing was introduced to the Emerging Leaders pro- gram about a year ago and immediately saw value as a

tential and the ambition to do more than passively partic- ipate in the industry. These people also demonstrate the maturity and professionalism to represent their sponsor- ing company. So, what’s the value to the Emerging Leader, the spon- soring company and AICC? “There are several key components to being a success- ful member of an industry organization. One of those com- ponents is education and the other is socialization and the ability to meet and connect with people, and that’s exactly what this program was intended to provide,” said Mathes. Emerging Leaders have access to specialized trainings and networking opportunities outside of the general top- ics covered at national meetings. They are also offered leadership opportunities within AICC, opportunities to at- tend on-site workshops, annual field trips, focus groups and participate in mentor programs. The Emerging Lead- ers program provides members with a self-paced track of opportunities to grow their leadership skills and expertise in the industry, based on their goals and time availability. “The potential effect of this program is a lot bigger than anyone can even imagine,” said Chris Landing, En- ergy Consultant for APPI and Emerging Leader committee member. “This program guides young people and gives them the platform needed to truly change the culture of the industry for years to come.”

tool for professional growth. Natu- rally gravitating to leadership roles, Landing says that it was the ability to get his “fingers on the blueprint of the program and leave a lasting im- pression on the industry” that made him want to join the Emerging Lead- ers committee and take a more ac-

Chris Landing

tive role in the success of the program. The sponsoring companies supporting their employ- ees in this program get the benefit of increasingly knowl- edgeable employees who are developing their soft skills and have an interest in contributing to the health of their company on a high level. Their Emerging Leaders have a strong network of peers, access to the best mentor- ship and advice the industry has available and are de- veloping the skills necessary to take on leadership roles in the company. In addition, Emerging Leader sponsor companies can retain young talent by encouraging their employees to participate in the career development op- portunities offered by the Emerging Leaders program. Finding Talent, Retaining Talent “Every AICC member company identifies ‘finding and retaining talent’ as their major issue,” said AICC’s D’Ange- lo. “This will continue to be a pain point if we don’t find a


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