Coronavirus (CONT’D FROM PAGE 34)
stay home, non-exempt employees likely do not need to be paid, but exempt employees might. This is fact-specific and can also depend on your employees’ rights (whether under law, policy or union agreement). Q) Does the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) apply if employees need leave because they get coronavirus or need to take care of a sick family member with coro- navirus? A) The analysis of whether the FMLA applies is no different from any other situation. If your company is covered by the FMLA and the employee is eligible, the company should follow all the usual FMLA requirements. Q) What if an employee’s child’s school is closed and the employee needs to stay home because there is no childcare? Do we have to pay the employee while they are out? A) A number of state and local paid sick leave laws allow employees to use paid sick time when a child’s school or daycare is closed for a public health emergency. If an em- ployee has paid time off available, they should be permit- ted to use it. If they do not have any time available, it is possible that the employee may not need to be paid. Q) What about employees who are REFUSING to come to work or do a specific assignment for fear of exposure, grounded in reality or not? A) On the surface, it would seem that employers could re- quire employees who are not sick to come to work and do their jobs. However, there are a number of legal is- sues lurking in a situation where employees are refusing to come to work for fear of getting sick. For example, de- pending on the facts of the situation, the employee could claim a mental illness (anxiety, depression, etc.) that is trig- gered by the fear of dying from coronavirus. A number of laws and factors can be implicated, and the laws’ reach is fairly elastic. This is a situation best discussed with your employment lawyer. Q) What if I have to shut down the business because our business services a certain sector which has shut down? A) If the business cannot operate during this time because of external factors, there is likely no employment law im- pediment to closing the doors. However, if the shut-down is temporary (and not a final closing of the business) and sufficiently short in duration, the company may continue to be liable for certain compensation and benefits continua- tion even if it is not functioning. If the shut-down becomes permanent, or long enough in duration, state and federal WARN laws and others may be implicated. Joel J. Greenwald, Esq. is Managing Partner at Greenwald Doherty LLP. Reach him at (845) 589-9300 x 108 or via e-mail at
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March 16, 2020
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