Gold Coast Physical Therapy | Neck Pain & A Weak Upper Back

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Embracing Our Roots: FYZICAL Palm Beach Returns to Original Identity | 561.331.5508


Dear Valued Customers, We hope this message finds you well and thriving. We are reaching out to share some exciting news that marks a return to our origins and a reconnection with our core identity. After careful consideration, we are thrilled to announce that all 11 FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers located within Palm Beach County are returning back to our original name, Gold Coast Physical Therapy Associates, LLC. This decision reflects our deep-rooted commitment to our heritage and the values that have defined us from the very beginning. Returning to our roots is not just about a name change— it’s about rekindling the essence of who we are and what we stand for. It is a reaffirmation of our dedication to providing you with the exceptional products and services you’ve come to expect from us. What does this mean for you, our valued customers? We have listened to your feedback, embraced innovation, and expanded our offerings to better serve your needs. You can continue to rely on us for the same level of quality, innovation, and personalized attention that has been our hallmark since 1998. The only difference will be a fresh branding rollout in all centers. As we embark on this new chapter, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and loyalty. You have been with us through every twist and turn, and we couldn’t be more grateful for your trust in us. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to ensure a seamless experience for you every step of the way. Thank you for being an integral part of our story. We are excited to continue this journey with you under our original name, Gold Coast Physical Therapy. Warm regards, Michael L. Graves, CEO

The Surprising Connection Between Neck Pain & A Weak Upper Back

in to compensate, which puts unnecessary strain on them — and makes them more susceptible to overuse injuries. The result? Seemingly random aches and pains that “come out of nowhere.” If you’re struggling with persistent neck pain, there’s a chance that the problem is rooted in your shoulders or upper back. Slouching and prolonged sitting weakens those upper back muscles, forcing your neck muscles to work overtime — and leading to pain. Let’s look at two case studies from the FYZICAL files. Both people suffered from neck pain, but only one went through a dedicated strength training program. What happened next? (continued inside)

Plus, A Tale of Two Patients: One Who Strength-Trained, and One Who Didn’t Do you ever find yourself trying to rub out a sore spot in your neck or find it difficult to turn your head? Neck pain is a common concern that can range from a mild nuisance to a big problem. And while neck pain can have several different causes, one contributing factor often gets overlooked: weakness in the shoulders or upper back. When we deal with persistent aches and pains, poor muscle strength often turns out to be a significant underlying factor. When a muscle isn’t as strong as it should be, other muscles have to step | 561.331.5508

A Tale of Two Patients: One Who Strength- Trained, and One Who Didn’t

much. We gave her a similar diagnosis: a strained neck muscle brought on by improper posture and prolonged sitting. We also provided her with acute pain relief. The difference? Sarah was able to continue her treatment with a six-week therapeutic exercise program. We met with Sarah twice weekly to guide her through a custom set of targeted neck, shoulder, and upper back exercises. We started with gentle stretches and mobility work before progressing to resistance training exercises. With the help of some dumbbells and an exercise band, Sarah built strength through her upper body, providing her neck with the support it needed. We also helped Sarah set up her workstation to be more ergonomic, including adjusting the height of her computer monitor and rearranging her keyboard. And we gave her some tips for maintaining postural awareness throughout the day. The result? After six weeks, Sarah’s neck pain was entirely resolved — and she didn’t have to seek additional treatment! Ready To Attack Your Neck Pain at the Source? If you’re struggling with persistent neck pain, physical therapy at FYZICAL can help you find lasting relief. Just as we did with Ally and Sarah, we’ll assess your symptoms and develop a customized treatment plan that seeks to resolve your neck pain altogether. Call us today to get started!

Ally’s Story: No Time for Strength-Training Ally was a receptionist who spent long days typing on a computer, answering the phone, and doing other clerical work. She started to notice a slight pain in her neck while she was at work. Although she ignored it at first, the pain persisted. She knew she needed to seek help. Ally made an appointment with us, where we took her through a comprehensive assessment, including several movement and functional screens. We determined that she had strained the soft tissue in her neck due to her sedentary job. We started Ally’s treatment with acute pain management using manual therapy techniques and some gentle mobility stretches, which did help her immediate symptoms. However, we knew it wouldn’t be enough to fully resolve her pain, so we suggested she begin a multi-week therapeutic exercise program to restore strength in her upper back and shoulders, helping to reduce the strain on her neck. Unfortunately, Ally had decided to go back to school, and between work, her classes, and her family, she simply didn’t have time for physical therapy. So, while we were able to help Ally in the short term, her pain persisted in the long term, eventually landing her back in our clinic a year later. Sarah’s Story: A Strength Training Program Sarah’s situation was very similar to Ally’s. She was a marketing assistant who also spent a great deal of time on both her laptop and a mobile phone, and she also experienced a gradual onset of neck pain. And, like Ally, she paid us a visit when it became too

Sources:• articles/PMC6093121/

Crispy Tofu with Peanut Sauce & Cabbage Slaw

Crispy Tofu • 14 oz extra-firm tofu • 2 tbsp avocado oil Cabbage-Carrot Slaw • ½ of a red cabbage • 2 to 3 medium carrots • ½ cup cilantro, chopped • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil • 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil • salt & pepper Peanut Sauce • 4 tbsp creamy peanut butter • 1 tbsp agave nectar • 1 tbsp fresh lime juice • 2 tsp soy sauce • 2 tsp toasted sesame oil • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes • 3 tbsp water

Directions: Pat dry the excess water from the block of tofu. Slice the tofu widthwise into 1/3 to 1/2- inch thick slices (about 10 slabs on a 14-ounce block). Dab with paper towels to get rid of some excess water. Heat the 2 tbsps of oil in a large nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, add the tofu slices. Cook for 6 to 8 minutes, gently moving them around the pan as needed to coat evenly in the oil, or until the bottom is golden browned. Stand back to avoid oil sputter. Using a spatula, flip the tofu and cook for 4 to 6 minutes on the other side. Meanwhile, make the slaw. Shred the cabbage and carrots (using a mandoline,

box grater, or food processor shredding disc). Transfer the cabbage and carrots to a large bowl, and add the cilantro. In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, sesame oil, lime juice, ½ tsp sea salt, and black pepper to taste. Pour the vinaigrette on top of the slaw and toss well to coat. Add a final squeeze of lime juice or a sprinkle of salt and pepper, if needed. Meanwhile, make the peanut sauce. Add the peanut butter to a bowl, along with the agave, lime juice, soy sauce, 1 tsp of sesame oil, and red pepper flakes. Whisk well to combine until smooth. Taste, adding the additional tsp of sesame oil, if desired. Stream in the water, a tbsp at a time, and whisk until the sauce is pourable but still thick.

contact us today! | 561.331.5508

Health Tip Of The Month: Grilling for Arthritis

Have you been looking forward to spring cookouts and barbeques all year? It’s finally summer, which means the time has come to dust off your grill and pick up your apron from the shelf. However, in the midst of all of the excitement, it’s important to remember to eat healthy. This is especially true for individuals with arthritis. Eating too much of the wrong foods can trigger inflammatory responses, resulting in muscle, nerve, or joint pain. Certain foods have been shown to reduce inflammation, while others have been shown to aggravate it. This might sound intimidating, but it’s good news! You have the power to lessen your pain and inflammation by making healthy food choices. Here are some examples of tasty foods you can prepare this summer while also being conscious of your health: Swap burgers for salmon with lemon and savory summer herbs. Studies have shown that eating red and processed meat on a regular basis increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers, particularly colorectal cancer.

Salmon, on the other hand, is high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D– two elements that improve joint health, boost immunity, and protect against inflammation. Replace ketchup and mayo with salsa Did you know that ketchup packs roughly 2 teaspoons of sugar per tablespoon? Or that mayo is high in unhealthy fats? Instead of these common condiments, try something new this spring! Salsa is high in nutrients and low in calories, with only four to five calories per tablespoon and no fat. And it tastes great!

Workout Your Brain Suduko

Patient Success Spotlight

Call 561.331.5508 Today! “I used the services of this physical therapy facility starting after a fall during which I incurred a fracture of my right elbow and contusion of my left wrist / forearm. All the therapists there and especially Kelly who is their leader have been very instrumental in alleviating my severe pain and slowly allowing me to regain functionality of both my hands. I am a healthcare provider and I can appreciate even more the professionalism and the “family atmosphere“ of this place that are so rare today and lead to such amazing results. I highly recommend this facility to anyone in need of a good PT in our area.” — R.D.

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