Leadership in Action - US English - 202210


Lessons shared by Melaleuca’s leading Marketing Executives

Melaleuca events are where our leaders come together to share their latest insights and best practices. Look to this series to see excerpts from past events.

She ran in under 17 minutes and finished strong.” That was because he was pouring love and belief into her rather than nitpicking and pointing out every little thing she was doing wrong. You have to set expectations, you have to make a game plan, and you have to dive in. If you promise someone the world, you’ve got to give them the world if they show up. To do that, you have to show up. The strategy has to be in place, and you have to execute. I tell people, “If you want to run or sprint, I’m going to run or sprint with you. If you want to walk, I’ll walk with you. But if you want to crawl, I’m not crawling with you. You’re on your own.” We’ve paid off $60,000 of credit card debt. We’ve paid off our student loans, and we’re paying cash for our pool. We visited my best friend in Seattle and paid cash. We went to Aruba this summer and paid cash. We have changed our own lives, and we have the ability to change someone else’s life. So do you! You just have to commit to the process and be willing to really lock arms with someone!

she’s thinking about how she can make $100,000 at Melaleuca! I know sometimes this business can be frustrating because we see potential in people and want success for them so badly. But you have to love people wherever they are in their journey. My daughter started running cross country and had yet to complete a two-mile run without stopping. She had also been struggling at soccer because even though she’s playing on a top-tier soccer team, she had not been hustling. So my husband was taking videos of her at soccer, and afterward he would show them to her and say, “Do you see what you’re doing wrong here? Do you see how you should be positioned over here?” I had recently attended an event where Darrin Johnson shared a story about just believing in people. So I came home and told my husband, “You’ve got to build her up and let her know how amazing she is and what gifts she has.” So he did. He started instilling that belief into her, and she played her best soccer game ever. And then he texted me this morning, “She did amazingly well in cross country today!

These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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