Leadership in Action - US English - 202210


MYTH The more skin care products I layer on, the healthier my skin will be. BUSTED In fact, less is more! Taking a minimalist approach to skin care can be more beneficial than an overly complicated one. This is because too many products can counteract each other or irritate skin—leading to clogged pores and breakouts. It’s fine to mix and match products, or (more simply) to use a single product line formulated for a specific purpose, but don’t layer unnecessary steps (such as placing one serum on top of another serum). MYTH If a product works for someone else, it should work for me. BUSTED Everyone’s skin is unique. What works for your friend may not work for you— even if you both have what’s considered a “dry” or “oily” skin type. Test a product line that you feel is right for you, and don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t give you the glow you’re looking for. There’s a Sei Bella ® solution for everyone!

Monita Smith, Customer since 2018

toxic buildup can show up on our skin through dermatitis, premature wrinkles, rashes, acne, eczema, and more.

Geovanna Valdez, Customer since 2015

MYTH I can use the same moisturizer on my face and body. BUSTED Facial skin is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body. Body lotion tends to be thicker and includes fewer specialized ingredients, which can lead to redness, dryness, acne, discoloration, and irritation if used on your face.

MYTH I don’t need SPF in the winter. BUSTED Even when it’s cloudy and snowy, wearing sunscreen during the winter months is critical for maintaining skin health. Not only can the UV rays penetrate clouds, but they also reflect more strongly off snow and ice—increasing your risk of sunburn and skin cancer. MYTH All-natural ingredients = a better skin care product. BUSTED Not necessarily! Many people think all-natural, organic products are automatically better for their skin, but the truth is that there are lots of so- called green ingredients that are bad for skin. And even if they aren’t dangerous for skin, they don’t always work as effectively as scientifically proven ingredients. That’s why it’s important to strike a balance between beneficial ingredients that come straight from nature and those that are developed using clean, safe science.

MYTH All fragrance is bad. BUSTED

While fragrances that contain ingredients such as phthalates and styrene are often avoided because they can cause skin irritation, headaches, and respiratory problems, not all fragrances are harmful! For example, Melaleuca uses fragrances that are naturally derived from specialty ingredients grown by producers around the world. Every premium extract that goes into our perfumes must live up to the highest standards. The result is sustainable fragrance that’s better for you—and safer for our planet.

Michelle Smith, Customer since 2000


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