Leadership in Action - US English - 202210


Presenting the top eight Senior Director businesses with the highest contribution index and a Monthly Retention Index (MRI) of 50% or more. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in their organizational Members during the prior 60 days (roll-ups not included), multiplied by the number of each Senior Director’s personally enrolled Directors, plus the number of their personally enrolled Members. Membership in this elite group is reviewed monthly. In order to be recognized as a member of this group, leaders must submit a picture at Melaleuca.com/MyAccount/PhotoUpload.






Lovely & Jeremy McNulty Senior Directors 8, AR

Megan Medlar Senior Director 7, VT

Faye & Don Torres Senior Directors 2, ON

Lauren & Kyle Murphy Senior Directors 5, MO





Kevin & Angela Echols Senior Directors 4, GA

Sophie Lonsinger Senior Director 4, FL

Shay Vital Senior Director 8, CA

Natalie & Bruce Feldman Senior Directors 7, FL

Lauren & Kyle Murphy


“I get calls on a weekly basis,” she says, “and in those calls, customers tell me, ‘I feel so much more energy when I take the Peak Performance Pack ’ or ‘My house smells and looks amazing after using these cleaners!’ I love seeing the difference Melaleuca makes in people’s lives.” Lauren is passionate about converting homes to Melaleuca products. She recently celebrated her efforts in Tulum, Mexico, with the rest of her Fast Track team. “It was like a dream to be there with them and reap the benefits of our hard work!”

The more she experienced Melaleuca’s full range of products, the more she found herself telling everyone she knew about the difference they were making in her life. “Making the decision to actively build a business was a natural progression in my Melaleuca journey,” she explains. “And when I eventually grasped the power of the Compensation Plan, I realized that I knew a lot of people who could benefit not just from converting their homes to Melaleuca products but also by making repeat income.” This “Melaleuca is for everyone” mindset takes the stress out of sharing the products and business opportunity.

As a “habitual sharer” of things she loves, Lauren Murphy feels at home here at Melaleuca. Because she’s stocked everything from her purse to her guest room with Melaleuca products, conversations about The Wellness Company simply happen naturally. “I keep Sol-U-Guard Botanical ® in my car and Sei Bella® Vitamin C skin care products for guests to use,” she says. “And of course, I carry Simply Fit ™ Trail Bars everywhere. For me, Melaleuca is a topic that easily comes up wherever I am.” Like many Melaleuca business builders, Lauren started as a customer only. Her sensitivity to synthetic ingredients in many mainstream cleaners prompted her to try EcoSense ®.


These results are not typical. Please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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