Never Too Late - October 2022


PCOA CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUPS – OCTOBER Five are currently being held by Zoom plus six in person.

Participation in the groups can be in person (6 groups), by telephone or by computer/tablet/smartphone w/ video. Support groups are a way to connect with others who are walking the journey of caregiving like you are. You get to SEE (if you use the video option) that you are not alone. You get to hear other’s challenges and successes, learn about helpful resources, know that your story matters and that you have been heard. Support groups are facilitated by a professional and are a safe place for you to express your concerns, frustrations, etc. and learn that others feel this way too. 10/17, 3rd Monday, 1–2:30pm (Midtown) In Person 10/18, 3rd Tuesday , 9–10:30am Virtual ON ZOOM 10/20, 3rd Thursday, 1:30–3pm Virtual ON ZOOM 10/24, 4th Monday, 11am–12:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 10/25, 4th Tuesday , 9–10:30am (Southwest) In Person

To protect the confidentiality of the group sessions, access information will only be given to registered participants. Emails are sent out on Fridays with updated schedules and additional information. If you participated in the groups before COVID, and have not been receiving the emails, please check your junk or spam folder. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact: Tonetta Clay, Support Group Facilitator 520-305-3405, 10/3, 1st Monday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person 10/4, 1st Tuesday , 12–1:30pm (Oro Valley) In Person 10/6, 1st Thursday, 1–2:30pm Virtual ON ZOOM 10/11, 2nd Tuesday, 5:30–7pm Virtual ON ZOOM 10/12, 2nd Wednesday , 1–2:30pm (Green Valley) In Person 10/13, 2nd Thursday , 1–2:30pm (East) In Person


“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” — John Muir, The Mountains of California

*NOTE: There will be no meetings on days where holidays are observed PLEASE RSVP for all groups. At all in person meetings we continue to social distance and mask wearing is optional. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact: Tonetta Clay, Support Group Facilitator 520-305-3405,

Page 10 | October 2022, Never Too Late

Pima Council on Aging

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