Never Too Late - October 2022

Aging in Our Community A Message from W. Mark Clark, President and CEO

caregivers. The information is gathered through surveys and focus groups with community stakeholders will guide how we deliver our services, identify strategic goals and objectives, and inform how new programming is developed. These data are also helpful in securing additional funding to support the Older Americans Act services that we offer. If you are an adult who is 50 years or older, we want to hear from you! Please take the time to complete our anonymous Community Health & Aging Survey, covering a variety of topics such as issues at home or in the neighborhood, social connectedness, and access to healthcare services. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and is available online in English or Spanish at needs. You can also call 520.790.0504 or and we will help you complete the survey by phone or by mail. Over the next two months we will also be hosting a number of community listening sessions. This is an opportunity to discuss your experiences and concerns about aging and aging services with other community members, representatives from PCOA, and other community partners. Dates and times of the listening sessions are available at We will be collecting information through the end of November, and we need your help to make sure our data covers the diverse spectrum of lives and experiences in our community. We are about 18% of the way to our goal of 3,500 surveys and want to hear from as many people as possible! Please spread the word to your friends, family, and neighbors in Pima County.

Medicare Open Enrollment Since 1965 when Medicare was signed into law, it has provided critical healthcare and financial stability for older adults, a benefit for which they’ve already paid into the system. Today nearly 64 million people over the age of 65 or with qualifying long- term disabilities rely on Medicare for their health coverage. While it is an amazing feat of government to help this many people, the Medicare system certainly comes with what can be an abundance of confusing terminology and rules. And sadly, also the potential for scams and fraud. PCOA is here to help you navigate the changing landscape of Medicare year- round, but especially approaching open enrollment which begins on October 15th. The goal of our Medicare program is to empower, educate, and assist Medicare- eligible individuals, their families, and caregivers through objective outreach, counseling, and training, to make informed health insurance decisions that optimize access to care and benefits. Our objectivity is key; PCOA does not sell nor endorse any Medicare plans, so you can rest assured that our guidance is focused on meeting your needs, saving you money, and maximizing your benefits. Please don’t hesitate to contact our certified Medicare volunteers and staff by calling 520-790-7262 or emailing Community Needs Assessment The momentum is growing as we gather data about lives and experiences of older adults here in Pima County for our Community Needs Assessment. This assessment is a crucial component of how PCOA structures and delivers its services to adults 60+ and family

Vote! With the November election on the horizon, the conversations I’m hearing occupy one of two contexts. First is the ever-present focus on current issues like Medicare and Social Security, which our Members of Congress and Senators have a great deal to do with. The second context that seems to be at an all-time high, is framing how this election will affect future generations, with increasing discussion surrounding topics like sustainability and the environment. This election, as is the case every four years, all of our statewide officials, like Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General are up for election, which no incumbents. Also, all of our legislators. It is not an understatement to say that this could be one of the most impactful elections for years to come. However different our viewpoints might be, our futures are tied together and each of us has a vested interest in strengthening our community and our nation. When we view the distance between our own beliefs and those of others as a potential space for understanding compromise, each one of us can become an agent for positive change, a soothing balm to counteract the inflammatory rhetoric all around us. I encourage you all to be thoughtful citizens, to hear one another, and most of all to vote. If you need information about anything election related visit vote2022. In solidarity,

W.Mark Clark President & CEO

October 2022, Never Too Late | Page 3

Pima Council on Aging

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