J-LSMS 2023 | Summer

LEGENDS TO FIGURES Figure 1: Box plot for the quiz (Panel A), NBME (Panel B), and final grades (Panel C) scores. The Mean is expressed by a cross (x), while the median is the central line. Outliers are represented by small circles (o)

5. Chang M, Cuyegkeng A, Breuer JA, et al. Medical student exam performance and perceptions of a COVID-19 pandemic-appropriate pre-clerkship medical physiology and pathophysiology curriculum. BMC Med Educ . 2022;22(1):833. Published 2022 Dec 2. doi:10.1186/s12909-022-03907-5 6. Clinical science subject exams, NBME, https://www.nbme. org/assessment-products/assess-learn/subject-exams/ clinical-science. Published 2023, Accessed January 30, 2023 7. Hanson AE, P’Pool A, Starr MC, Byrne BJ. Decline in Pediatric Shelf Examination Performance During COVID-19. Cureus . 2021;13(10):e18453. Published 2021 Oct 3. doi:10.7759/ cureus.18453 8. Aaraj S, Farooqi F, Saeed N, Khan S. Impact of COVID Pandemic and Hybrid teaching on Final year MBBS students’ End of clerkship Exam performance. Pak J Med Sci . 2022;38(1):113-117. doi:10.12669/pjms.38.1.4645 9. Pickering JD. Introduction of an anatomy eBook enhances assessment outcomes. Med Educ . 2015;49(5):522-523. doi:10.1111/medu.12708 10. Faner MA, Ritchie RP, Ruger KM, Waarala KL, Wilkins CA. Student performance in medical biochemistry and genetics: comparing campus-based versus zoom-based lecture delivery. BMC Med Educ . 2022;22(1):798. Published 2022 Nov 16. doi:10.1186/s12909-022-03873-y 11. Guluma KZ, Brandl K. Virtual learning allows for adaptation of study strategies in a cohort of U.S. medical students. Med Teach . 2023;45(1):89-96. doi:10.1080/0142159X.2022.2105690 12. Xiong W, Singh S, Wilson-Delfosse A, et al. “Flipped” clinical rotations: A novel approach. Clin Teach . 2022;19(5):e13520. doi:10.1111/tct.13520

Figure 2: Panel A, a correlation between Quiz and NBME scores of group A (2022), Quiz on the x-axis and NBME score on the y-axis.

and interpersonal and professional conduct. We noted that the overall final grades for the Pediatric clerkship between the true pandemic and control phases did not differ much (90.46 versus 90.64), highlighting that students did well on their subjective scores during and post-pandemic, inferring no effect of COVID-19 on overall performance. CONCLUSIONS: We noted improved performance, assessed by examination scores, among students during the pandemic phase. As the study is from a single medical school looking only at one discipline of rotation, and many confounding variables are not controlled, further studies would be needed to confirm our findings. REFERENCES: 1. Kaul V, Gallo de Moraes A, Khateeb D, et al. Medical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Chest . 2021;159(5):1949-1960. doi:10.1016/j.chest.2020.12.026 2. Tempski P, Arantes-Costa FM, Kobayasi R, et al. Medical students’ perceptions and motivations during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS One . 2021;16(3):e0248627. Published 2021 Mar 17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0248627 3. Camargo CP, Tempski PZ, Busnardo FF, Martins MA, Gemperli R. Online learning and COVID-19: a meta-synthesis analysis. Clinics (Sao Paulo) . 2020;75:e2286. Published 2020 Nov 6. doi:10.6061/clinics/2020/e2286 4. Andersen S, Leon G, Patel D, Lee C, Simanton E. The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Performance and Personal Experience Among First-Year Medical Students. Med Sci Educ . 2022;32(2):389-397. Published 2022 Mar 21. doi:10.1007/ s40670-022-01537-6

Panel B, a correlation between Quiz and NBME scores of group B (2023), Quiz on the x-axis and NBME score on the y-axis.

Table1: Summary of results, Class of 2022 and 2023


True Pandemic Phase Group (Class of 2022) July 2020- June 2021 (n=134)

Control Phase Group (Class of 2023) July 2021- June 2022 (n=147)


Quiz score

74.97 + 8.11

70.00 + 8.60

*p = < 0.001

NBME score

80.35 + 7.09

78.58 + 7.10

*p = 0.03

Final grade score

90.46 + 3.01

90.64 + 2.49

p = 0.58

The Pediatric clerkship is a 6-week rotation. Annually, there are eight blocks of a 6-weeks rotation.

The number of students varies during each block (ranging from 14-22).

n = number of students (including all eight blocks)

Scores are displayed as the Mean + Standard deviation

NBME- National Board of Medical Examiners

*p < 0.05 is set as statistically significant





J LA MED SOC | VOL 175 | SUMMER 2023

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