Blue Diamond AlmondFacts SepOct 2023_web


Blue Diamond Growers Annual Meeting Voting What is a Proxy & Why is a Quorum Needed at the Annual Meeting? The Blue Diamond Annual Meeting is more than a luncheon or a social gathering; it is a required business meeting that is defined in the cooperative’s bylaws. To be valid, a quorum of the membership must be present, either in person or by proxy. Since it is a business meeting, the quorum is required if a motion is made from the floor and a vote of the membership is called for. Annual General Election It is time once again for the annual Blue Diamond general elections. This is a great opportunity for you to exercise one of your fundamental rights as a voting member to shape the future of your Blue Diamond Growers cooperative: electing members of the Board of Directors and Grower Liaison Committees. This year, you have the opportunity to vote for District Directors in districts 3, 5 and 7 . You also have the opportunity to vote for Grower Liaisons in each of the nine districts. Ballots will be mailed the week of October 9 to voting members with Crop Agency Agreements. Voting will close on November 3, 2023 . Only ballots received by this date will be counted. Your vote matters! Be sure to submit your ballot in plenty of time so your vote is received before this deadline. How to Vote Like last year, there are three ways to vote: paper ballot, online or by phone. Your election packet will include the paper ballot, return envelope and instructions for online and phone voting. This year, if you vote online, you will have the opportunity to submit the Proxy Card online to ensure your attendance is counted at the annual meeting.






Like last year, you will be able to vote by paper ballot, online or by phone.




This year, you will be able to return the proxy card by mail or assign a proxy online.




Make Sure You Are Represented — Return the Proxy Card! Not sure if you can attend the annual meeting ? No problem! You may assign your vote to a proxy, another voting member, to vote on your behalf and represent you at the annual meeting. Mail in your Proxy Card (separate from the ballot) and rest assured that you are being represented in the election and annual meeting, even if you can’t directly participate. If you do decide to attend the meeting yourself, know that your presence always comes first. The Proxy Card is a backup plan for if you can’t attend.



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