Blue Diamond AlmondFacts SepOct 2023_web

The Best Clonal Rootstocks Most major varieties are available in 2023 including:

• Brights Hybrid ® 5 (c.v. Arthur V) US PP18, 782 P3 • Krymsk ® 86 (c.v. AP1) US PP16, 272 P3 • Hansen • Viking

Y 116-161-99 • Self-fertile • Released by the U.S.D.A. • Independence ® Almond (Alm-21 cv.) US PP 20,295

Duarte Nursery ® Clean. Clonal. Containerized. 1-800-GRAFTED Hughson, CA sales @ |

JOHN ARELLANO Sierra Foothills Lodi & Clarksburg (559) 804-6949 TIA RUSSELL North Coast Southern Oregon (209) 815-2399

STEVE SCHEUBER Central Coast San Joaquin Valley (209) 531-5065

AARON SALSEDO San Joaquin Valley Southern CA (559) 892-6028 STEVE NEILL Chico Sacramento Valley (530) 570-6830

ED NEEDHAM San Joaquin Valley

Southern CA (559) 977-7282

JOHN DUARTE At Large (209) 531-6874

TIM COITO Chico Sacramento Valley (530) 521-8733

Clean Plants

For Your Future ™

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