Blue Diamond AlmondFacts SepOct 2023_web


Cover Crop. Photo by Ben Goudie

you an understanding of what product will work best for your situation. It is also smart to talk about a pre-emergent application, and how to set it up to be as successful as possible. Cover crops can also be planted in this post- harvest timing. Broadcast or drill the seed into the soil before your final irrigation or a fall rain — ideally by the end of October. This will lead to a good germination and growth with winter rains. This will also help you take the next step to qualify for the Triple Diamond Level of Blue Diamond ’s Orchard Stewardship Incentive Program . If you would like more information on the program, please contact your Regional Manager. Lastly, some cultural practices are performed in the post- harvest timing. Many fields will need to be floated to smooth out the orchard floor after harvest. Others with high amounts of plant material or clippings may need to be

rototilled. Planning for winter shaking and pre-emergent applications should also be discussed. As you all know, the post-harvest/dormant season goes by much quicker than expected, so having a plan and following it will lead to a successful start to your season.

Trent Voss, Regional Manager, Blue Diamond Member Relations



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