C harles Sperling’s high school English teacher cried when she told him he could achieve anything. It wasn’t until after he’d been in the throes of addiction and fought his way out sober that he recognized his potential. With 34 years of sobriety, he’s the Executive Director of STAND, Inc., where he facilitated groups when it was a fledgling organization. Now, Charles manages investor relations, finds treatment providers, is in charge of the programs his clients attend, and searches for those with field experience to serve on the advisory board. He didn’t start out wanting to be the director of a program like STAND, Inc. As a young teenager, Charles found himself curious about things that he shouldn’t have been; he hung out with the wrong crowd. After trying some drugs, he changed cities twice and wound up in New York. A dark day came when he discovered a friend shooting heroin. “You don’t want this,” the man said. Charles decided he did. On that slippery slope of addiction came bouts in and out of jail with homelessness waiting when he was released. Once back in Atlanta at the VA, he discovered addicts sharing their stories, and they were just like his. Only these addicts were drug-free. Charles wanted that. He decided to dig a deep hole for the deep roots he wanted to grow. He went back to college and later worked with recovering addicts in other programs. Finally, he started his own program, and after receiving his non-profit IRS status paperwork, the state of Georgia granted him a contract for $60,000. The next one out of the gate was from the CDC for formal research. FOUNDER & CEO
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