Copy of STAND, INC.

As a young girl, Robin wanted to be a high school math teacher. She found her mother dead from alcohol addiction at the age of 35. Robin grew up to become a law enforcement officer. Therefore, she entered the field of substance abuse counseling on a fact-finding mission to discover why her mother would not stop drinking. She blamed those forces for her mother’s death. Robin needed to be a part of the solution. Now, she is part of that solution with her warm, sincere, and positive regard for her clients. Her spirituality helps her carry them. The nurturing and support of Robin’s care are her legacy and, in a way, her gift to her mother. She treats her clients with the same love, kindness, and respect she would give her mother. During the time her mother struggled with alcoholism, Robin received support from family, church, and school. She was passionate about sports, particularly basketball. She went into law enforcement, but things changed one day at Perimeter Mall in Atlanta. Robin noticed a common characteristic shared among the shoplifters. That characteristic was substance abuse. Today, she has been employed with STAND, Inc. for 13 years. Her life experiences have

Robin Peters is gifted with the ability to care for and serve her clients with distinction. As a vital member of STAND, Inc., she shoulders many responsibilities gracefully. From someone who had a limited understanding of how destructive addiction is, she has armed herself with the experience, skills, and knowledge to facilitate positive change in the lives of those who struggle with the disease of addiction.

helped Robin structure the goal of developing incoming counselors. She desires to be a coach. Helping counselors determine if working in the substance abuse field is truly the path for them, is what she wants to do, then help them navigate the waters and grow in their careers. Even in retirement, she is called to be a life coach, staying mobile, especially for people who need her services. She

says, “When I leave, I pray that I leave this field better than I found it because the clients have helped me as much as I’ve helped them.”


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