Considering the comprehensive nature of Stand’s programs
and services, it may be safe to say that this is no small task. Of course in her most current role as Treasurer Ms. Sherman is also focused on looking forward and effectively managing three keys to the future STAND blueprint- • Maintaining STAND’s vital national accreditation • Continue to upgrade future funding for all programs and services • Create, support and manage expansion of all services in the private sector. The STAND mission is devoted to providing vital service throughout their community and beyond, especially in communities where such services would not otherwise exist. But that commitment—as with any and every NPO—absolutely demands determined professionals who understand the considerable financial reality which is required to achieve those goals. Considering that many other
organizations and agencies that might help contribute—including municipal, state and federal—to our communities in need but so very often choose to ignore any commitment, the work of STAND and Ms. Sherman remains absolutely vital. In her words- “Certainly one of my current priorities is supporting the effectiveness of all our programs and services as well as providing quality services for all our communities in need moving forward.” At STAND the future of their commitment is in good hands, and every community is better off for it.
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