Copy of STAND, INC.

T he insidious nature of addiction can be powerful. For many of us its damaging stranglehold takes years to break and for far too many of us, that stranglehold is ultimately fatal. In the case of Kenneth S., his struggle was as close to the latter as any of us ever want to stray before he found the tools he needed to break free with the help of STAND Inc. His long, long journey started way back in Willacoochee, Georgia but at age 10 his family made the big move to the big city- Atlanta! A simple country boy at heart, Kenneth nonetheless soon discovered the temptations of the city and by age 25, he’d “graduated” from alcohol to marijuana to crack cocaine. His addiction to crack would lead to degrading years of cycles of incarceration, relapse and then repeat. In May of 2018 after recent release and all alone on the streets once again, he found himself finally “sick and tired of being sick and tired”.

He took it upon himself to enter into a detox program which referred him The “DOOR” Program (DeKalb Open Opportunities for Recovery), which then opened a door for him to a new world of health, humility, humanity and gratitude. “I was in my 50s and it was my first time in a rehab center but the whole atmosphere was just very positive. And I knew I needed help and all the counselors were there for me.” In addition to living and working at the STAND Inc. “DOOR” program, Kenneth also rejoined his childhood church, the House of God, and found himself reinspired to follow both his new program and his old faith. Faithfully following his STAND Inc. counselors and attending his church every Sunday, Kenneth soon realigned his life yet remained keenly aware of the everyday dangers of his long, long journey to sobriety.

“Sometimes I’d find myself near the train station where I used to hustle change and get high and I’d see guys just like me doing the same old things I used to do…and it really filled me with a sense of gratitude for where I was at.” But Kenneth was not long for Atlanta and eventually made his way back to humble Willacoochee where at his church he found not only food for the soul, but also a loving wife to share his new life. For him it was a long journey but now he can reflect on the new joys that sobriety has gifted him. “I was blessed to take on two grandchildren with my wife, and it’s a delight to see one off to college and the other to school every day…we’re good. And it’s a blessing to continue to serve god.” And along with his blessings, he also continues to call his counselors at STAND Inc. and check in once a week and/or just give thanks. Because old Kenneth’s eyesight may not be what it once was, however his vision now, remains crystal clear.


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