Project Connect Prevention(PCP) P roject Connect Prevention (PCP) is a SAMHSA-funded program at STAND, Inc. that offers rapid HIV and Hepatitis C education, prevention resources, testing, and treatment referrals, if necessary. Using evidence-based practices, Project Connect is designed to strategically assess risk behavior and implement preventative services for youth between the ages of 13-24. Upon completion of the Project Connect Prevention program, participants may be asked to participate in a post-assessment survey to evaluate applied risk reduction practices and improved knowledge of HIV, Hepatitis C, and substance abuse. Prevention is dependent upon the need and individual risks associated with each group. At three months post exit from the Project Connect Prevention program, participants’ continued utilization of risk reduction practices and sustained knowledge of HIV, Hepatitis C, and substance abuse will be reassessed. (~1-180 days) Project Connect seeks to engage youth within the Atlanta metropolitan area, including DeKalb County, Fulton County, and Gwinnett County. The Project Connect program curriculum may be delivered in after-school sessions, in-school sessions, and/ or relaxed settings such as the official project office for Project Connect: prevention, as discussed amongst community partners. Project Connect Prevention
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3486 Covington Hwy, Decatur, GA 30032
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