I t would be difficult to imagine a worst stretch than the most recent years in the life of James S., a grateful STAND Inc. 2021 graduate. With two sudden, traumatic family deaths unexpectedly hammered into the isolation of a global pandemic that socially crippled almost everyone, it’s safe to say that very few of us would welcome even the thought of such tragedy, let alone be forced to deal with its brutal reality. With James’ long history of damaging merry-go-round substance abuse issues followed by brief recovery periods—including a three year period of complete sobriety— followed by even more intense substance abuse episodes, it’s also safe to say he was absolutely unprepared for this sudden, shocking plummet into his own personal abyss. His hard landing at the bottom including loss of livelihood, homelessness, criminal charges and, of course, a self- destructive streak smashing all hope of anything other than his own end. Yet today, in recent conversation, James shared his sincere gratitude and most humble hope for not only his future but also for the future of his entirely new STAND Inc. recovery family- “I was always a loner and although I sometimes saw that a program like AA could work, I could never apply its principles to my own life because I just couldn’t connect, and definitely could never stay connected. But at Stand I found a real sense of belonging and really formed a recovery family here.” As a graduate and continued member of the “DOOR” (DeKalb Open opportunities for Recovery) Program and Resource Center, James now leads morning reflection meetings and considers this one of his primary directions in life at the moment. He also credits Founder and Executive Director Charles Sperling with simple yet profound words of wisdom that helped him to initially stumble-step through his own first doorway to recovery. “Mr. Sperling just told me, ‘Knowledge without any application has no merit’, and that really resonated deeply with me because I’d always believed I knew what I should do, I just never got around to actually doing it.”
As of this writing James is now actually doing it. Embracing his removal from his formerly self- destructive “comfort zone”, in addition to his service at morning reflections James now looks forward to one day leading his own Big Book study group as a grateful graduate of the program. He’s also grasped one of his most powerful new life lessons as he prepares for a new future that he fully realizes is his to face with grace and gratitude. “For so long shame and guilt were a huge part of my problems, but now I can see that honestly sharing those negative experiences I went through can actually help others who might be going through something similar. I can use this shame and guilt that used to damage me to help others instead of just letting it cripple me.” This is the application of service that STAND Inc. offers to all, and James is one of its most faithful advocates. Or as he put it very simply and honestly-
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