Board Converting News, March 3, 2025

regional economy. These investments help companies be even more competitive in the market, which is a win for all of Québec.” Maïté Blanchette Vézina, Minister of Natural Resources and Forests and Minister Responsible for the Bas-Saint- Laurent Region and the Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine

AVERAGE CONTAINERBOARD PRICES The average prices reported are tabulated from prices PAID by various sources throughout the United States the week previous to issue. Prices in some areas of the country may be higher or lower than the tabulated average. The prices tabulated here are intended only for purposes of reference. They do not connote any commitment to sell any material at the indicated average. Transactions may be completed at any time at a price agreed upon by seller and purchaser. REGION 42# Kraft liner 26# Semi-Chem. Medium $ 900.00-925. 00 $ 825. 00 -$850.00 U.S. Average CANADIAN LINERBOARD & MEDIUM The average prices reported are tabulated from prices PAID by various sources throughout Canada. Prices may be higher or lower in various areas of the country. The prices tabulated here are intended only for purposes of reference. They do not connote any commitment to sell any material at the indicated average. Transactions may be completed at any time at a price agreed upon by seller and purchaser. Prices are Canadian $ and per metric ton. 42# Kraft Liner 26# Semi-Chem Medium East $970.00 $960.00 West $1,015.00 $995.00 REGION

Kruger To Invest (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1)

the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts. In 2017, the Wayagamack Mill started to shift to spe- cialty paper, including backing paper, developing solid ex- pertise in this steadily growing field. The Mill will continue to manufacture coated paper, which is known for its light weight and high quality and used to print magazine-type publications. “The forestry sector is a priority for our government. The uncertainty brought on by our southern neighbor means we must think outside the box and seek innovative ways of doing business. Today’s announcement exempli- fies what it takes to revitalize the forestry sector and the

Region said he is proud to see that Kruger, a company with deep roots in Trois-Rivières, is engaging in innovation. “We know how important the forestry industry is for the Mauricie region. And the capacity to innovate is one of our region’s strengths. This project will enable Kruger to remain competitive and at the forefront of the forestry sector. Kudos to the team.”


March 3, 2025

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