Board Converting News, March 3, 2025

General Data Acquires International Label BY GREG KISHBAUGH

AWA To Host Import/Export, Tariffs Workshop Alexander Watson Associates (AWA) will host AWA Workshop: Import/Export, Tariffs & Mar- ket Dynamics as part of the AWA Global Re- lease Liner Summit 2025, set to take place on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST at the University Club of Chicago. This workshop will focus on the impact of Import/Export volumes, particularly from China, changing Tariffs and the uncertainties and impact on the industry, and the effects on global market dynamics.

General Data Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, a manufacturer, coater, and provider of products and solutions for labeling, barcoding, RFID, data management, and equipment service, has acquired International Label Manufacturing (ILM) of Terre Haute, Indiana. ILM is a label converter and commercial printer specializing in flex- ographic, digital and offset printing technologies for producing custom labels, tags, marketing materials and forms.

ILM is a wom- an-owned manufac- turing business certi- fied by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council,

With the threat of low cost or subsidized imports and with the evolving tariff landscape, particularly the recent changes to U.S. Import Tariffs, this session is designed to provide in- sights and strategies to help companies navi- gate these challenges successfully. Key Takeaways from the Workshop will include: • Insights from AWA’s Import Whitepaper: Attendees will gain access to key findings on global trade, import challenges, and the latest market dynamics affecting the release liner industry. • Navigating US Import Tariffs: A Global Perspective on the Release Liner Value Chain. This discussion will explore how rising U.S.

founded in 1985 in Terre Haute by Cece- lia Myers, who brought her daughters Laurie Taylor and Lisa Gonzales into the business in 1992. Cecelia sold the business to her daughters in 2012, and they have since grown the business into a custom label manufacturer trusted by some of the largest distributors in the industry. Taylor and Gonzales are active members of the Women in Manufac- turing (WIM) trade association. ILM will continue to operate as a division of General Data out of its Terre Haute facility with Lisa and Laurie continuing in their leadership positions.

March 3, 2025 37 CONTINUED ON PAGE 39

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