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SOUTH DOWN TOWN 6 Tech entrepreneur David Cummings is making a massive investment in South Downtown representing 10 city blocks and 89 properties. The large-scale project will include the renovation of several existing buildings along Hotel Row and historic Broad Street, as well as the construction of new, mixed-use buildings on top of parking lots to create a flourishing entrepreneurial district featuring restaurants, bars, shops and an outdoor town square.
CENTENNIAL YARDS 5 Downtown Atlanta will soon have its own city-walk attraction. Ready in time for the FIFA World Cup 26 ™ , Centennial Yards will be a world-class sports and entertainment destination located in what has long been a hole in the middle of Downtown commonly referred to as The Gulch. The project, which represents one of the largest urban developments in America, will feature a 3 million-square-foot entertainment, retail and housing district with more than 10 new streets. Invest Atlanta recently approved the monetization of previously issued bonds to help accelerate the development of Centennial Yards and has worked to ensure there is affordable housing on site and contracting opportunities, including construction, for minority businesses. Once complete, Centennial Yards will boast 900,000 square feet of retail space, 2.8 million square feet of residential housing (including 200 affordable units), 1.7 million square feet of hospitality venues, along with a 300,000-square-foot Data Center.
The entrepreneurial district will include 100,000 square feet of creative spaces, over 1,000 housing units and dozens of shops, restaurants and bars.
can live, work and play. “
We want South Downtown to become a living laboratory for startups with a 24/7 community vibe where people
— D avid Cummings, Tech Entrepreneur
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