VIA Annual Report - use this version for the website


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Statistics show that 14% of Atlanta’s population is food insecure, with underserved communities struggling with hunger more than other households. Working closely with City of Atlanta leadership, Invest Atlanta is addressing this issue head on, allocating $2.5 million to fund projects that will significantly increase the availability of healthy, affordable food to thousands of residents living in low-income and low-access areas. Fresh Food for All

nvest Atlanta is bringing more grocery options to the table through a strategy that focuses on attracting major supermarkets and grocery stores, enhancing neighborhood markets, supporting innovative food access models and creating new systems and environments. I As part of this strategy, the Invest Atlanta Commercial Property Improvement Grant Grocery Opportunity provided 15 small, local food markets with a total of $750,000 in direct investment to support their preservation and growth. Invest Atlanta also facilitated support to small grocery operators through tailored technical assistance from the Independent Grocers

Alliance (IGA), which provides resources to create and execute collective bargaining agreements to help grocers scale their operations in a fiscally responsible manner. What’s more, the Atlanta Food Access Catalyst Grant program, enabled by a $6 million investment from the City of Atlanta, is bringing more fresh food options to underserved communities located in food deserts. For some, this grant program was layered with Tax Allocation District (TAD) grants, Atlanta Emerging Markets, Inc., grants and New Market Tax Credit allocations to increase impact among Atlanta’s underserved and senior populations.

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