VIA Annual Report - use this version for the website


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n 2024, Invest Atlanta provided support for 50 companies establishing roots in Atlanta or expanding their presence, generating a $149 million economic impact. Many of these companies represent the fintech, healthcare IT, film/television, biosciences, logistics and cybersecurity sectors and are part of a flourishing innovation ecosystem in the heart of the city. In total, Invest Atlanta projects it created or retained 4,433 jobs in 2024. I Companies of all sizes, from around the world, are increasingly choosing to make Atlanta home. Lured by the city’s affordability, highly skilled workforce, business-friendly environment and rising stature in the tech community, these companies are bringing with them jobs and a substantial boost to the economy. Opport- -unities Abound

A Ready Workforce

With funding from the American Rescue Plan, Invest Atlanta created the Jobs Program for Vulnerable Populations (JPVP), which offers short- and long-term job training services for those experiencing homelessness, unemployment and underemployment. Since its inception, JPVP has enrolled 1,869 individuals, including 537 youths in job training programs. In 2024 alone, 1,110 people received job training, including 39 individuals who completed occupational skills training programs.

Achieving BioReady

Atlanta has achieved gold status in the Georgia BioReady Community rating, underscoring the city’s commitment to fostering innovation and highlighting its readiness to support life sciences and biotech businesses at the highest level. This designation enhances Atlanta’s recruitment efforts with prospective investors and businesses in the life sciences ecosystem and reinforces the city as a premier destination for leading-edge industries.

The State of Georgia Opportunity Zone Program has created or retained 6,847 jobs in underinvested areas of Atlanta since 2010 . Did You Know?

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