VIA Annual Report - use this version for the website


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Tremendous Blessing A Gail Paterson is grateful beyond measure. She has lived in her Venetian Hills home in Southwest Atlanta since 1989 and is able to remain in the place she loves with help from Invest Atlanta.


ome represents many things to Gail – independence, self- sufficiency, security and love. She moved into her two-bedroom, one-bath house near Fort McPherson after a divorce and quickly settled in with her three sons. It’s where she raised her family as a single mom and found refuge after long days working as a private-duty CNA. “I have so many memories here watching my boys grow up to be young men,” says Gail. “It’s been such a great part of my life.” One of the features that drew Gail to the home was a massive oak tree, which stood near the house like a giant protector. For decades, the tree was a mighty presence but eventually started showing signs of distress. Its core began to rot and limbs often fell, with one breaking her car windshield.

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