February 2025


Harders' goals for the Energize! Conference include providing a diverse topic set with quality keynote speakers, where people participating leave feeling fulfilled and ready to implement new ways to improve their community. “I hope Energize! continues to connect, inspire, and energize those who work so hard to make their rural communities the best they can be,” said Schlechter. “I also hope rural communities hosting Energize! see they can be a destination for a conference or other event and use what they learn by hosting Energize! to seek those opportunities.” Save the date for the seventh annual Energize! Exploring Innovative Rural Communities conference May 6-7 in Platte. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT EXTENSION.SDSTATE. EDU/ENERGIZE+ “ I want [ attendees ] to go home feeling like they ’ ve made new connections , they know more people they can lean on and build a closer community while achieving similar goals , and they have people to talk to when they run into problems .” kara harders

THE BUSINESS ISSUE february 2025

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