February 2025


to do in February Due to the possibility of cancellations, please check event websites & social media posts before attending. Things

3 FEBRUARY 13-16 Lead • Times Vary Winterfest

A weekend full of fun and adventure, Winterfest is an activity-packed event in Lead. From sledding, to a pickleball tournament, to bonfires, and a lighted snowplow truck display, to a retro snow costume contest, Winterfest is sure to be fun for the entire family. Enjoy talented local musicians at the 2nd Annual Mile High Songwriter Series . The weekend event will end with a fireworks display. MORE INFO: LEADMETHERE.ORG.

1 FEBRUARY 1-8 The Monument • Rapid City • Times Vary The PRCA Rodeo Rapid City brings together the best of the best in the sport, becoming a major stop in the National Finals Rodeo . The rodeo is produced by Sutton Rodeo of Onida, a sixth generation rodeo company, founded in 1926. Rodeo events include Xtreme Broncs , Xtreme Bulls , the Special Rodeo , World’s Smallest Rodeo , and the High School Showcase . Be sure to wear pink on Friday, February 7, and show off your patriotism on Saturday, February 8. MORE INFO: THEMONUMENT.LIVE. Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Rodeo Rapid City


Downtown Deadwood • Times Vary Mardi Gras in Deadwood is sure to be full of free food, a parade, masquerade ball, themed cocktails and live music, along with open container zones to roam from bar to bar. Sample delicacies at the Cajun Cook-Off on Saturday, March 1 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. MORE INFO: DEADWOOD.COM. Mardi Gras

2 FEBRUARY 14-17 Various Locations • Brookings • Times Vary Frost Fest

Every third week in February, area attractions come together to showcase amazing indoor and outdoor winter activities. Whether you enjoy ice fishing, building snow forts, sipping hot international drinks, or attending a winter ball, Frost Fest is a great mash-up for the entire family. MORE INFO: VISITBROOKINGSSD.COM.

*All photos are submitted by the event or its promoter unless otherwise noted.


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