February 2025

“Our mission is to get you better with going to the dentist, with trusting your dentist again, and then getting you an understanding that it’s a huge investment to get back to where you're confident in your smile, where your teeth and your mouth are fixed.”


Infinity aims to work together alongside other clinics with a shared goal of caring for the community, Robbins says. “There's so much work to be done in this community, and we want to be a part of that and help facilitate that in a small way by enabling providers to work here and provide care with sedation, that way they don't have to provide it themselves.” Building a strong dental community in turn builds a stronger community as a whole, elaborated Robbins. Dental issues can cause many health issues. Infinity aims to combat those issues, while working with trusted partners in town. “We want to build a community of dentists that love working with each other, are really good friends, are very close clinically, and do not view each other as competitive.” FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT INFINITYSEDATION. COM+


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