Tool Test Operation
The Tool Test mode contains the follow fields.
A. Test Name B. Sensor Model C. Tool Serial No. D: Sensor Type
E. Mode F. Units G. Filter
H. Low Tolerance I. High Tolerance
J. Auto-Clear Mode K. Auto-Clear Time L. Direction M. Comments N. Operator O. First Peak Sensitivity P. Minimum First Peak (% of full scale)
All tool tests must be entered using the PC Windows based Calibration Program. Once this is done the tests can be accessed using the "Tool Test" soft key on the LTT. Entering data for the Tool Test is done using the PC Windows based Calibration Program. See the Screen above. Select the “Tool Tests” tab. Enter the relevant information on this screen such as the Test Name, which is the name by which the test will be identified on the LTT. Then enter all required information on the screen because once the tool test is activated on the LTT no changes can be made with the units, tolerances or other information. There is a field for comments to include user specific information. The torque sensor being used for the Tool Test must be identified. This is done to prevent a test being run on a torque sensor with an inappropriate range. When entering the “Sensor Model” this must match with the sensor identification that was used to identify the torque sensor when it was calibrated. The case of alphanumeric characters will be ignored. If the transducer to be used for the test is connected you can click on the "Read" button next to the Sensor Model field and the field will be automatically populated. If you are not sure about how the transducer is identified, unplug the torque sensor from the LTTunit and plug it back in.
Note: * the Sensor Model identification appears on the LTTscreen during the initialization.
There are various control buttons to perform operations with this program, these include: Save - Saves the Tool Test Setups on the PC so it can be used to run further tests in the future. Open - Opens previously saved Tool Test Setups. Send - Send a Tool Test to the LTT. It can store up to 5000 results total. Examples of combinations include 100 tests with 50 readings or 50 tests with 100 readings. Note that there is a maximum of 100 tool tests. Delete Test in Meter - Clicking the “Delete Test in Meter” button brings up a screen that allows you to delete all of the Tool Tests stored in the meter or select the Tests you wish to delete. See the example on next page..
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