When the operator runs the program he/she will see a window as shown below. Connect the USB cable to the LTTand the computer and turn on the LTTunit. Click the button "Start boot loader on device". Both LED's on the LTTwill turn on and the screen will indicate the LTTis in bootloader mode. To update the firmware click the "Boot load HEX file to device.." button. Locate the HEX file update. It will be in the Hex Files folder. The file is named Mountz App.hex. This is the current application so there is no need to update but if the operator chooses he/she can reload it to see how this feature works. The process will take about 6 minutes as there is quite a lot of code in the product. The status will be shown in the LTT Boot Loader window as the process takes place.
As updates are available these will be available on the Mountz Web site.
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