Mountz Torque LTT Torque Analyzer Operation Manual

Bar Code Reader (Accessory Item) The Bar Code Reader is an optional accessory for the LTT. It is designed for users that want the ability to scan Bar Codes on Tools and start Tool Tests automatically. This option reduces set-up time for users with a large number of Tool Tests stored in the LTT. The Bar Code Reader is powered by the LTT so no additional power source is required. This fea- ture is designed to use a specific bar code reader, which is modified to operate with the LTT. The LTT is designed with an expansion port, which is accessed by a "punch-out" on the back of the unit. This allows users to easily connect to a PLC for access to GO or NO-GO signals and similar applications. Note: Starting April 2007, LTT models can be used with this Bar Code Reader. The expansion port on the back of the LTTallows a Bar Code reader to be connected to the LTT. Mountz LTTunits with serial numbers that start with digits "07" and later feature a new firmware and hardware. Only models with serial numbers 07-01-001 or later can operate with the Bar Code Reader of Multiplexer. Prior LTTversions cannot support the Bar Code Reader and Multiplexer. Firmware and revision data can be seen on initial power on of unit. Customers with older LTTversions can send their unit to our service department and pay for it to be upgraded to operate with the Bar Code Reader.

Model: Bar Code Reader Item # 072997 Operation with a Bar Code Reader The Bar Code Reader is connected, using the sup- plied cable, to the access port on the back side of the LTTanalyzer. This feature is designed to be a supplement to the Tool Tests used with the Analyzer. The user must enter a Test Name, the Sensor Model Required, and a Tool Serial Number.

1. The Test Name can be anything but is recommended to keep it short due to limited space on the Analyzer Display. 2. The Sensor Model is the transducer required for the test, it must be entered exactly as displayed on the Analyzer Display when it is connected or it will not be recognized as the correct Sensor. 3. The Tool Serial Number is entered as an alpha numeric value. This value is printed below the bar code, which would be affixed to the Tool being tested. Shown on next page is an example Tool Test Screen. After entering the required data the Test would be sent to the Analyzer using the Send button on the right hand side of the screen. The Tool Test should also be saved on the PC for future reference.

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