Mountz Torque LTT Torque Analyzer Operation Manual

Force & Load Sensors

Starting April 2007, LTTmodels can be used with Force & Load sensors. Note: Mountz LTTunits with serial numbers that start with digits "07" and later feature a new firmware and hardware. Only models with serial numbers 07-01-001 or later can operate with the Force & Load sensors. Prior LTTversions can- not support the Bar Force & Load sensors. Firmware and revision data can be seen on initial power on of unit. Customers with older LTTversions, can send their unit to our service department and pay for it to be upgraded to operate with load & force sensors. Using LTT 2000 as a Force Measurement Meter The LTT recognizes standard or ARCII equipped force sensors (load cells). The active modes of operation for force are TRACK & PEAK. Descriptions of these modes are found in this manual (see page 8). ARCII equipped sensors incorporate a small chip that allows for automatic sensor recognition (see page 14). This feature identifies the sensor, all calibration data and a calibration date reminder. This chip can be added to the connection cable to enable the features of the ARCII technology. The SET UP mode allows users to define how the LTT operates, including setting of the Clock. Three modes that are irrelevant to Force are Angle, T+AThreshold and First Peak (these are Torque Only selections).

The LTTonly supports 2 units of measure when connected to a force or lead sensor. Those units are kN or Lbf.

Force sensors can be used in 3 directions. Clockwise (Compression), Counter Clockwise (Tension) or Both can be selected in the Setup mode. (See page 15) for setting direction. The included software program Mountz Torque Meter Interface Program (MTIP) has functions for Tool Tests, Data Logging, Sensor and Meter Calibration. For calibration of Force sensors, select the sensor type Force. For Tool Test you can define a type of parameter criteria, including tolerance settings for a specific function. (See page 18 for setting up Tool tests). For questions related to Force use, please study the manual or you can call a Mountz representative for assistance.

End User Software License Agreement

IMPORTANT- READ BEFORE COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING Do not use or load the Software from this disk or site or any Documentation until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions. By loading or using the Software, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you do not wish to agree, do not install or use the Software. This End User Software License Agreement ("Agreement") is between "You" (either an individual or an entity), the end user, and Mountz Incorporated, a California Corporation ("Mountz"). This Agreement authorizes You to use the Software identified below which may be provided on a CD-ROM, sent to You by electronic mail or downloaded from Mountz's web pages or servers or from other sources, under the terms and conditions set forth below. If You download the Software from a Mountz web site, then the legal notices and site terms and privacy policy posted on the applicable web site (col- lectively, the "Site Terms") shall be incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement by this reference and also gov- ern your downloading and usage of the Software. This is an agreement on end user license rights and not an agreement for sale. Mountz continues to own the copy of the Software and the physical media contained in the sales package, if any, and any other copy that You are authorized to make pursuant to this Agreement.

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