Reflet 2024 09 25



and if I can find the time, depending on what they’re talking about, I may be able to answer their question quickly.” If elected, Rudder plans to stimulate the economy by being the voice for small businesses and generating community invol- vement through events. He hopes to bring in new revenue streams into the municipality as well. Another group Rudder plans to look out for are the farmers. “The farmers are not getting their voices

heard. Some of the issues that they’ve been talking to me about seem like there’s just some bureaucracy and red tape there that somebody needs to cut through,” said Rud- der. “They feed all of us. And at some point, they get kind of pushed to the side. In the end, they don’t have a voice.”

Jevon Rudder, owner of the Homestead Pub since 2018, has decided to add his name to the list for the upcoming Russell Township 2024 municipal by-election. Before getting into the restaurant industry, Rudder spent 15 years in the military, the bureaucracy of which he believes prepared him for the politics of being a councillor. Prior to that, Rudder spent 10 years in Toronto as a project manager before moving to Russell over a decade ago. Having lived in the community for many years, Rudder has seen firsthand the expan- sion and diversification of the community. However, he also noticed that there’s nobody on council he can relate with.” At 53 years old, Rudder believes he is right in ‘that sweet spot” where he feels he has enough life experience to be a voice to the people that have been a part of the community while still representing the newcomers and a younger generation. Rubber is proud to be a business owner. “Seeing the businesses around here, some of the struggling, I believe in keeping things local to stimulate the economy and stimulate the sense of community, and kind of change the culture a little bit while still keeping it the same.” Rudder adds he doesn’t want the culture of the municipalities to change, due to the current growth, while still being open to new residents, ideas, and businesses.

&MFDUJPO%BZJT4FQU7PUFSTDBOWPUF online or by phone anytime starting Sept. 26 at 9 a.m. until Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. All election information can be found on the Russell Township website. SANTÉ CANADA APPROUVE LE VACCIN MIS À JOUR DE PFIZER-BIONTECH CONTRE LA COVID-19 LA PRESSE CANADIENNE

Le jour du vote est le 30 septembre. Le centre de ressource aux électeurs sera ouvert de 9 h à 20 h. Le nouveau conseiller commencera son nouveau mandat le 15 octobre jusqu’au 14 novembre 2026. (Fourni par Jevon Rudder) If elected, Rudder is not worried about managing both being a councillor and a restaurant owner. Surrounded by two CVTJOFTTQBSUOFST 3PCJO8IFBUMFZBOEIJT wife Meaghan Rudder, he is able to still be present at the restaurant while managing the responsibilities of being a councillor. As the owner of a public restaurant, Rud- der said he hopes people take advantage of the fact that he will be more accessible than before. “If you are putting yourself out of the way to come in and talk to me, I’ll find some time for you. And if I can’t find the time right at that second, I can make an appointment,’ said Rudder. ‘If people do come in and take advantage of the fact that I’m sitting here

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Santé Canada a approuvé le vaccin mis à jour de Pfizer-BioNTech qui protège contre l'un des variants du virus de la COVID-19 les plus récemment en circulation. $FWBDDJOÆ"3/N BQQFMÊj$PNJSOBUZv  cible maintenant le sous-variant KP.2 d'Omi- DSPO BMPSTRVFMBWFSTJPOQSÊDÊEFOUFEV WBDDJOEF1à[FS#JP/5FDIDJCMBJUMFTPVT variant XBB.1.5 d'Omicron. 4BOUÊ$BOBEBBSÊDFNNFOUEFNBOEÊ BVYQSPWJODFTFUBVYUFSSJUPJSFTEFTFEÊCBS - rasser de leurs anciens vaccins contre la $07*%BàOEFHBSBOUJSRVFMFWBDDJOMF QMVTSÊDFOUTFSBVUJMJTÊQFOEBOUMBTBJTPO des virus respiratoires de cet automne. -Fj$PNJSOBUZvFTUMFUSPJTJÍNFWBDDJO

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