Why Vote? Everything you do as a professional member is informed by a COUNCIL that oversees the APEGA professions. Council is a critical element in maintaining and enhancing self-regulation, and your vote demonstrates that you want the right people making decisions on your behalf. The 2019 APEGA ELECTION takes place February 11 to March 14, 2019. Will you be ready to cast an informed vote? The content that follows should help get you there.
APEGA’s Council is made up of 16 professional members and 3 public members .
All public members are appointed by the
All professional members are elected by you!
Government of Alberta.
Council’s Role
"[To] manage and conduct the business and affairs of the Association." -Section 12(2), the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act
To develop and drive APEGA's strategic direction
To ensure responsible use of resources to effectively execute
To provide ongoing oversight of APEGA’s function and activities
To make decisions that affect the professions and the membership
APEGA's strategic plan
To provide financial oversight
10 | PEG WINTER 2018
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