Winter 2018 PEG


Candidates for President (cont'd.)

Candidates for Council (Term Beginning 2019)

John Van der Put, P.Eng.* • Energy industry executive with 35 years of experience, whose accomplishments span the Americas in upstream oil and gas, and pipeline development • Extensive knowledge of process engineering and project executive leadership • Contributor, for more than 20 years, to boards focused on human development and technological advancement, including Athabasca University Governing Council, and, most recently, the Engineering Research Advisory Board of the University of Calgary • Experience on APEGA Council, 2007-2010 and 2012- 2015, including service on Act, Regulations, and Bylaws Committee, Audit Committee, and Finance Committee, and further APEGA volunteer experience on Discipline Committee, Professional Development Committee, and in mentoring and student outreach

Iyub Adam, P.Eng. • More than 20 years of experience in engineering, design, and project management of power proj- ects, including 10 years of leadership experience as engineering manager/team lead with ABB Inc. • Obtained knowledge of the EGP Act and its administration through the lens of a permit holder at ABB, and obtained knowledge of working within other organizations through IEEE and others • Robust awareness of case management, document management, and investigation practices within the power industry, considers himself a strong and innovative team player


Your Vote. Your Council. Your APEGA.

Have your say in how APEGA is governed.

The 2019 APEGA election runs from Monday, February 11, 2019, at 9 a.m. to Thursday, March 14, 2019, at 4:30 p.m.

To send you a link to your electronic ballot, we need your current email address. Please check it now: Member Self-Service Centre.

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