APEGA PD Events: With Your Help, They Keep Getting Better
APEGA Career Services is evolving to ensure that professional engineers and geoscientists receive top-notch professional development. By focusing on seven categories of competence, we strive to deliver affordable sessions to support your self- improvement—and your professional obligation to meet the requirements of APEGA’s mandatory Continuing Professional Development program. A recent professional development survey we distributed suggests that APEGA Career Services is delivering much of the PD you’re looking for. That gives us confidence that we’re headed in the right direction, and we continue to be committed to offering relevant and useful sessions. Even though our survey has closed, we welcome ongoing feedback. Here are few of things we’ve learned from you so far: • CPD and how to meet its requirements continue to be a hot topic. • Members continue to be interested in learning about APEGA’s regulatory functions.
• Some of you like the idea of PD sessions that dig deep into historical engineering failures, with a view for sharing the learnings that arise from them. • Can APEGA offer sessions that encourage diversity in the engineering and geoscience workspace? These items and many more are always on our radar. Please contact us at anytime with your suggestions. PRESENTERS NEEDED Even though Alberta is still deep into winter, we’re deep into planning our spring 2019 PD schedule, which includes PD sessions held in conjunction with the APEGA Annual General Meeting & Conference. If you’re interested in helping us deliver quality, relevant PD, we’d like to hear from you. Are you an experienced presenter interested in sharing relevant insights with APEGA members? Are you interested in becoming a presenter at the AGM & Conference this year? Fill out a PD session proposal form now.
16 | PEG WINTER 2018
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