University Rapid Resume Reviews, Speed Mock Interviews, and Student Industry Mixers School is out and the job hunt has begun. You’ve been there, and you know what employers are looking for. By volunteering for our Rapid Resume Reviews, Speed Mock Interviews, and Industry Mixers, you’ll help new graduates prepare to land their first jobs in their chosen professions.
Advancing Our Professions— Impacting Our Communities
Science Olympics Share your passion for engineering and geoscience with students at the APEGA Science Olympics! This event is a great opportunity to foster enthusiasm for engineering and geoscience, to promote your profession in the community, and to log professional development hours with APEGA. Volunteers are needed as judges, event assistants, and challenge managers in the Edmonton, Calgary, and other branch locations.
K-12 Classroom Expert Ready to have some fun? Hang out with the engineers and geoscientists of the future. We need experts on a wide variety of topics, from astronomy to wind turbines and everything in between.
“As a relatively new mom with small children and a husband who is a
professional engineer, I was proud and excited to have the opportunity and resources available to raise my kids in an environment that supports and encourages science- based imaginations!” – Holly, P.Geo., APEGA Volunteer
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