Winter 2018 PEG


Case No. 18-005 RDO continued

and following a discussion and review with the Discipline Committee Case Manager, the Discipline Committee hereby orders that: a. The Member write a letter of apology to the Complainant within 30 days after the Discipline Committee Case Manager approves the Recommended Order. b. The Member shall pay a fine in the amount of $1,000 within 60 days after the Discipline Committee Case Manager approves the Recommended Order. c. If the orders are not completed within the timelines above, the Member’s registration will be suspended until completion of such orders. d. This matter and its outcome will be published on APEGA’s website and in The PEG magazine without names, given that this matter did not put the safety of the public at risk and the risk to the public safety is not reduced by withholding names.

23. The Member acknowledges that his conduct is a breach of Section 44(1)(b) of the Act and therefore constitutes unprofessional conduct as defined in the Act. 24. The Member acknowledges that his conduct contravenes Rule of Conduct #3 and #5 of the Code of Ethics : 3. Professional engineers and geoscientists shall conduct themselves with integrity, honesty, fair- ness and objectivity in their professional activities. 5. Professional engineers and geoscientists shall uphold the honour, dignity and reputation of their professions and thus the ability of the professions to serve the public inte rest. 25. The Member also acknowledges that his conduct 4.5.3. Professionals should undertake an assignment to critique the work of another professional engineer or geoscientist that calls into question the professional conduct or technical competence of that individual only with the knowledge of and after communication with that individual, such that the review is fully apprised of all relevant information. contravenes the Guideline for Ethical Practice (Reviewing the Work of Other Professionals) :

Signed, [PROFESSIONAL MEMBER A] , P.ENG. ROY SUDIPTO, P.ENG. Panel Chair, APEGA Investigative Committee NASER RABBANI, P.ENG. Case Manager, APEGA Discipline Committee

E. RECOMMENDED ORDERS 26. On the recommendation of the Investigative Committee, and by agreement of the Member

Date: June 6, 2018

Date: June 5, 2018

Case No.: 18-004 RDO


The Investigative Committee of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (“APEGA”) has conducted an investigation into the conduct of [Professional Member A], P.Eng., (the “Member”), of [Company B] (the “Company”).

The investigation was conducted with respect to a complaint initiated by [Complainant C], P.Eng., (the “Complainant”), who submitted a letter of complaint dated April 18, 2017. The complaint involved two members under investigation. The other member under investigation was the Member’s colleague.

52 | PEG WINTER 2018

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