Livingston Dental - November 2020


on being named Top Dentist of Wyoming 2017-2020!

800 South Washington St., Afton, WY 83110 (307) 885-4337 |

Inside Meet Our New Owner and Dentist, Dr. Corey Christensen!

What Makes Spinach a Superfood? Don’t Throw That Old Toothbrush Out!

Can Flossing/Brushing Help Prevent Alzheimer’s? Cinnamon-Spiced Candied Sweet Potatoes

What’s in a Presidential Smile?

Remember when we’d learn presidential facts in school during Election Day? We do! Luckily, it’s fascinating to look at the mouths of famous figures throughout history — including the U.S. presidents. This month, we thought we’d take a deeper look at a few. GEORGE WASHINGTON is famous for his wooden teeth, but, according to historians at Mount Vernon, they were actually produced from bone, hippopotamus ivory, human teeth, brass screws, lead, and gold metal wire. Nevertheless, President Washington only had one tooth in his mouth remaining when he took office in 1789. There are more dental fun facts about presidents than you might think. JOHN ADAMS refused to wear dentures when he lost his teeth in old age, so he developed a lisp. ULYSSES S. GRANT is rumored to have carried a toothbrush to battle! However, even routine dental visits can affect a president’s image. You might have gone to the dentist for unexpected emergencies, but, if you were a U.S. president in the mid-20th century — not unlike DWIGHT EISENHOWER , eating chicken one night in 1954 — your Which U.S. President Didn’t Floss, and Who Took Amazing Care of Their Smile? What’s in a Presidential Smile?

unexpected dentist trip might stir in a tabloid bonanza. He lost his crown after a bite and, after a brief disappearance for a quiet dentist trip, there were false news reports that he had died from a heart attack, or had been meeting secretly with aliens from outer space. A few professional dentists from Tufts University investigated pictures of former presidents to reveal some other insights into their dental hygiene. THEODORE ROOSEVELT was a huge bruxer, and, from pictures alone, grinded his teeth quite severely. But his teeth were certainly intact and not dentures! Lastly, bone loss in certain gaps of his teeth reveal that it’s likely that he didn’t floss. Meanwhile, J OHN KENNEDY had an unusually beautiful smile, even compared to people in his family and popular dental treatments at the time.

At Livingston Dental, we thought this was super fun to learn about. We hope you enjoyed a little non-political presidential content!

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